Meet our furry babies...


MANGO, our female standard poodle

Mango is our very feminine brown and white parti female. She walks like a queen, prancing around in the most elegant way! She has a very tall and proper stature and weighs about 45 lb. Mango was born on April 8, 2015 and is AKC registered.


atticus, our male standard poodle

Atticus is our black and white parti male, so his puppies will be parti as well. He wants nothing more than to be loved on and right beside you! He is very energetic and loves roaming around our pastures. Atticus weighs around 50 lb and is AKC registered. His birthday is July 2, 2019.


hella, our female standard poodle

Hella is our black and white parti female and our sweetheart! She loves to run and explore, but is always quick to return and sit at your feet while you pet her. She would love to be a lapdog if she could! Hella was born on April 21, 2019, and weighs about 35 lb.

bEa, our female springer

Bea is our newest addition to our family. Descending from a lineage of great tempered Springers which my mom has raised, Bea is a sweetheart and loves to please you. She was born November 2, 2021, and is about 40lbs.